A Message from Local 167 Secretary Amanda Layne: (bid materials are linked at the end of the message)


Hello All,

It is that time of year again!  We will be starting the bid Monday, February 5th and will be completed Friday, March 2nd.  Attached are the job class bid schedules and the bid calendar.  Bid rules will be approved Thursday and will be emailed out then.  There are no major changes this time around.  The schedules are not available yet and will be emailed out as soon as they are.

Please check your bid time and date and let us know as soon as possible if you foresee any issues with your bid time.  Please also check to see that your FTE is listed correctly.  If there is a discrepancy please contact me as soon as possible.

We will use HipLink to notify you when it is your time to bid, so please have your HipLink notifications on or let us know of a better way to contact you.  The number to reach us at once the bid has started is 651-241-9166.  If you have any questions prior to that please contact either Steve Eiden or myself.

All bid materials, including bid rules and schedules, will also be posted at all report to work locations and on the Union website as soon as they are available.

Seniority was mailed out today.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you have any issues or concerns.

Talk to you soon,


Amanda Layne


