Negotiations Update 5

Today, we met with Allina management. The session started out discussing economics and working towards getting a deal done. We have reached a tentative agreement, subject to ratification by the membership. The tentative agreement comes with the recommendation of the negotiating committee. The details are attached. Below are some of the highlights:


2021-0%, 2022-2.5%, 2023 2.0%

Creation of a call taker wage scale and new job description


Removal of red lining from moving job classes. If you have move job classes your pay will go up each year, you will no longer be frozen at the wage until you reach years of service in that job class.

If you move to a higher paying job class you bring 25% of your seniority with you.

If you move to a lower paying job class you bring 50% of your seniority with you.


Dispatchers will get uniforms upon starting at the part time rate and will get option money upon completing training or probation which ever is sooner.

Some minor changes to language clean up.

We will have meetings next week via Zoom and ratification dates are TBD at this time.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Jan 25, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Jan 25, 2021 12:00 PM

Jan 27, 2021 07:00 PM

Jan 28, 2021 08:00 AM

Link to meetings will be on Facebook site and union calendar.

The document labeled IAEP R7-167 Proposal was the first proposal that the union offered the company. I know some members had been asking for that document.